For those of you who want to pass the time until our next workshop or live event with other content worth knowing, here are some of our favorite resources for female investors.


You want book recommendations? Sure. Feel free to browse our reading list.



Warum Start-ups und Produkte floppen - Tina Müller & Hans-Willi Schroiff

Die 10 Todsünden des Marketings im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung

Think Again - Adam Grant

Investors are often convinced that the most important thing is to find the founder likeable and to get along well with the founder. Moreover, this is often perceived as a sign of a successful investment. This view is problematic and can lead to flawed (biased) decisions and ineffective capital allocation.

Noise - Daniel Kahneman

Unintended variability, e.g. ‘noise’ influences decisions in organizations. Kahneman analyzes the difference between ‘bias’ and ‘noise’ and advises how organizations can reduce ‘noise’ in decisions. Decisions in venture capital are also often influenced by ‘bias’ and reliance on gut feeling. The book is designed to help investor:ins reduce ‘bias’ and ‘noise’ and make better decisions.

How to Change - Katy Milkman

Recent data shows that Venture Funded Founders are largely white and male (90%). This homogeneity means that there is almost no diversity in the founders landscape. However, research shows that diverse teams contribute to more successful funds. The book aims to support investors in investing in various founding teams and in finding the right strategy for them.



Was Männer nie gefragt werden - Fränzi Kühne

False gender stereotypes are often the reason why the number of female founders is so low (2%). These stereotypes also influence the questions asked of women vs. men. Während Männer meist Fragen gestellt bekommen, welche auf die Förderung des Start-Ups und auf potenzielle Chancen zielen, Fragen welche an Frauen gerichtet sind, haben häufig Prävention im Fokus. This means that women are often asked about possible dangers and strategies to prevent profits from being reduced. Men are instead asked about opportunities for potential profits and growth of their start-up. This book is designed to help investors and VC funds identify and address their own stereotypes and biases.

Find Your Why - Simon Sinek

Find Your Why is designed to help those inspired by the message find their WHY and bring it to life in both their careers and organizations.

Dealterms.vc - Nikolas Samios; Anja Arnold

Von Handwerk, Kunst und Philosophie der Venture-Capital-Finanzierung von Start-Ups in Deutschland

secrets of sand hill roads - scott kupor

Every startup needs capital, and ambitious startups seek it on Sand Hill Road – Silicon Valley’s dream street for entrepreneurs. That’s where you’ll find the biggest names in venture capital, including the famed VC firm Andreessen Horowitz, where lawyer-turned-entrepreneur-turned-VC Scott Kupor serves as managing partner.

Innovationsökosysteme - Prof. Dr. Klaus-Michael Ahrend, Katrin Redmann

Innovations are essential for our common future – whether technical, economic, social or environmental. Innovation ecosystems are the key to this: Networks of creative individuals and open institutions, framed by supportive structures, appropriate methods and enabling resources.


This book is a think tank that supports readers in their personal sphere of action to act in a more innovation-oriented way. The two editors and around 50 co-authors invite you to be inspired for their innovation journey. Three levels are distinguished: Innovation ecosystems at the state level, innovation ecosystems at the municipal level, and innovation ecosystems at the entrepreneurial level.



For those of you who want to sweeten your next jog with exciting startup podcasts, here’s our pick of shows worth listening in on.

The Boss - Simone Menne

In her podcast, Simone Menne, former CFO of Lufthansa and one of the first women on a DAX board, also interviews successful women to find out what drives them.

Female Business Angel Podcast - Bettine Schmitz & Katia Yakovleva
the twenty minute vc - 20VC

20VC operates at the intersection of venture capital and media

Fast & Curious - Der Business-Podcast - Lea-Sophie Cramer & Verena Pausder

The two female founders talk about entrepreneurship, the latest from the start-up scene, investments, business trends and about life. At Fast & Curious, they share their knowledge, talk about their personal experiences, learn from their guests and give insights into how they see and want to change the (business) world.



We love inspiring talks by strong women and would like to share some very worth seeing ones with you here.



Statistics show that the (female) founders landscape does not reflect the diversity of the general population.

Currently, the share of female founders in the startup scene is only 11.8% (Female Founders Monitor, 2020)

Changing work scopes need more perspectives. Diversity makes us ‘smarter’.

New markets and customer groups: Diversity provides access to a wide variety of markets, and an organization should reflect its society so that customers see themselves in the organization and buy products.

Diversity is important in an ever-changing and globalized world (More contact and business opportunities with other cultures).

Workforce is also becoming more diverse within countries. With diverse teams, we can make the most of the talent pool.

Moral case of diversity: Include all groups and provide opportunities; exclude no one.

To put it simple, we believe that creating a diverse (female) founders landscape is the right thing to do.

We are a network full of innovative power, expertise and creativity. encourageventures – THE female investor network for female founders

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